Building financial freedom.
Capital Bot is an internationally operating company specializing in cryptocurrency trading. Behind it lies a bot that is provided to end customers in the form of a subscription. For the upcoming brand launch, a brand name, a brand slogan, a complete corporate design, as well as social media assets and merchandise items are needed. Additionally, a robot head and the turquoise, which are already used in the app's frontend, should be integrated into the logo.
Thanks to the English brand name, it is immediately apparent to the international audience what the product is about. Visual elements and playful design add a youthful and visually striking touch to the brand. The slogan "Building financial freedom" strikes a chord with a target audience characterized by individualism and uncertain future scenarios, who have a deep desire for financial freedom. The typography and design language of the corporate identity draw inspiration from the aesthetics of the logo, creating a cohesive overall concept. Turquoise is used as an accent color, complemented by subtle shades of blue in the color palette, which simultaneously contribute to a professional appearance.
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